
Monday, March 10, 2008

Blogging, it's the new thing

Who doesn't blog? I mean it seems everybody has one. Makes me feel weird when people say things like "Hey, I blogged to my blog last night. It was blogging awesome. You should blog on over there and blog it out. I blog you'll blog it."

Ok, maybe only blogging Smurfs talk like that. But I figured "why not?!" I'm a computer scientist, it's time I got with the times. Even if I prefer Veranda.

So, here's my attempt at a serious blog. It's actually my second attempt at a blog, the first being with my Shaiya account. Ha, that game's a flop, at least in my eyes. It doesn't really even make much sense to attach blog software to a game account.

Anyways, for anyone reading this blog, expect complaints about my Computer Science courses, my take on things happening in the game industry (probably with comparisons to City of Heroes/Villains, my current gaming crush), and more. A place to release my thoughts onto the web, and unlike some people, not freak out when people actually *gasp* read it.
(And yes; the school in question was my High School, the leader of those cheerleaders was in my Algebra 2 class, and Condoms To Go now has a "No Cameras" policy)

Also, I'm a programmer, not an artist. I don't have the best eye for things that are visually pleasing. I'd appreciate others' take on the formatting and colors of the blog.

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