
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Goonfleet vs. Band of Brothers

In response to a comment speculating on KenZoku's demise:
I will reply to it nonetheless as there are probably more people thinking the same.

The USA had a bank holiday monday and that results in half of goonfleet being pilled up in pr- and active for any action needed. BoB (GKC) being mostly EU was at work as normal. I dont think pr- dropped below 300 enemies.

Now what i personally feared happened. A day after the order was given to all base from PR- that system gets completely locked down and dozens of bubbles are anchored at the station, all posses and all gates.

This is what you do if you want to completely immobilize a enemy. Its smart, it makes sense. Dont go frothing at the mouth and see the death of a alliance when they dont form a counter fleet against your pos shooting squads. The two are related and not seperate.

We will see what happens tuesday when both sides are on normal workday terms. But the odds are in favour for our enemies in every way at this moment.

It was expected we would lose a big chunk of the stations but damn its going fast now. NC is sieging multiple systems at the same time without a support fleet for the caps in some systems. I assume completely confident that if they come under fire a rescue fleet will be there in 1 siege cycle (and rightfully so atm).

I completely understand it must be epic for goons what is happening now and they must feel they are dancing on our graves now but this fight isnt over by a long shot.

The current situation we are in is because of one person killing Band of Brother alliance not some strategic mastermind or a briliantly executed campaign.

More fights after work, its eve heaven for me.

For your viewing pleasure, here is some video footage. It's a series of Tower sieges, first with Battleships and then with Dreadnoughts.

And your Daily Irony: Haargoth Agamar, the defector, was able to steal Black Nova's Capital fleet during the opening to the War because BoB had been concerned with territorial losses in Delve War I the previous year. To protect their assets, they moved many of them into NPC-space where they could neither be destroyed nor conquered. Had they been kept in player-controlled space, Agamar could have taken their ownership rights but GoonSwarm would have had a very hard time getting at them. Putting them "safely" in NPC-space meant the Goons had easy access to them and they were out of BoB's control entirely.

During The Mittani's recorded explanation to other GoonSwarm officers of what had happened, he mentioned the names of the two places where the ships and supplies had been cached. Only tonight I realized that these NPC systems were not in Empire-space; they were Pirate Systems in Delve. The two names he mentioned are "Haddock" (0-HDC8) and "PR Dash" (PR-8CA). The latter of which being...

...the very same place the bulk of KenZoku's active battle fleet is currently blockaded.

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